Project Management Practices for Centuries

The tools, techniques, and guidelines available present time were not available in the past. The construction of massive wonders such as Kala Wewa, the Great Pyramids, and the Great Wall of China are examples of ancient project management, which relied on the knowledge, technologies, and management methods available to them at the time.


  • The Kala Wewa is one of the greatest engineering marvels built by King Dhathusena in the fifth century. The Kala Wewa irrigation project would have handled construction management, logistics management, and project management. Despite the lack of clarity on their management methods and technology, they had their own approach of planning, monitoring, and managing the projects. Engineering wonders like Kala Wewa would not have been possible otherwise. There are local instances of large-scale constructions performed with old wisdom and understanding.
  • The large canal project " Yoda Ela" is a component of the Kala Wewa reservoir project. The ancient project management have demonstrated their capacity to grow their project while ensuring the technical and connection needs of adjacent reservoirs.  

 The example illustrates that, despite the lack of modern tools and resources, ancient project teams were able to effectively plan, execute, monitor and control, and close their projects. Examples such as the Great Pyramids and the Great Wall of China corroborate this claim.

The above example emphasizes the necessity of understanding that project management has been done for millennia and is not a new phenomenon. It also emphasizes that, while technology has made project management more efficient and effective, the application of knowledge and insight is what determines the success of a project.

So, despite a lack of contemporary resources, ancient project managers executed large projects that are still considered technical marvels today. They had their own methods of planning, monitoring, managing, and concluding projects that were different from what we use now but were still effective.

This notion is significant because it emphasizes the fact that project management has been around for a long time and that project management concepts have been proved useful over millennia. Although today's technologies and procedures have made project management more efficient and streamlined, the essential concepts of project management have remained consistent throughout history.

The Evolution of Project Management Tchniques and Concepts

Techniques and concepts in project management have changed over time. Prior to the twentieth century, project management relied on the expertise, trust, and capabilities of individual project managers and team members. However, three major concepts and techniques were introduced in the 20th century which revolutionized the field of Project Management.

These concepts are;

  • Gantt chart
  • Critical path method
  • Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
  • Work Breakdown Structure

Henry Gantt invented the Gantt chart in 1917, and it is still frequently used in project planning today. It's a horizontal bar chart that shows project activity in relation to a timeframe. This graphic assist project managers in visualizing and identifying possible scheduling challenges.

The critical path method, which is widely used in project management, was first proposed in 1957. This approach assists project managers in identifying the critical path, which is the longest path through the project network and defines the project's minimum length.

The American Navy created the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) in 1958. It is a project management planning tool that calculates how long it will take to complete a project realistically.

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) was first used in 1962 and is widely regarded as one of the most fundamental concepts in project scope management. The work breakdown structure (WBS) assists in organizing the project scope into manageable, controlled, and monitorable components.

These concepts and practices have expanded the scope of project management and made it more appealing to project stakeholders. Currently, many different approaches and concepts are accessible in Project Management, and their use is dependent on the nature of the project and the project management style used.

Example - The construction of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, is an example of how these techniques and concepts have been applied in a real-life project. The construction project team utilized the critical path method to identify the critical path and to determine the minimum project duration. The team also used a detailed WBS to break down the project scope into manageable components. The project team also used Gantt charts to visualize the project schedule and identify potential scheduling issues.

Impact of Digital Age to Project Management

Before the digital age, project management was mostly accomplished via the use of manual processes and technologies. Communication was mostly through verbal or handwritten communications, and project documentation was done on paper. Yet, essential project management principles such as the Gantt chart, critical path, and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) were already in use prior to the digital age. This was done for project planning, estimating, scheduling, and visualization.

For project visualization, hand-drawn bar charts or Gantt charts were employed. To assess the schedule and determine characteristics like as total float and critical path, network diagrams were employed. Nonetheless, the majority of communication was done verbally and in person, and frequent meetings were arranged to bring all team members up to date on the project's progress.

With the development of computers, the internet, and software solutions with the onset of the digital era, project management has been transformed. Email, chat, and video conferencing have made it simpler to interact and engage with team members remotely, allowing some project teams to be managed electronically.

An excellent example of project management before the digital age;

Example - The construction of the Empire State Building in 1931, project managers used manual methods to plan and manage the project. They used Gantt charts to plan the construction sequence, a critical path method to identify the critical tasks and estimate the time required, and work breakdown structure to organize the project tasks. They also used a manual system for tracking and recording project progress.

The Impact of Personal Computers and Technology on Project Management Practices

The emergence of personal computers during the pre-digital age caused a revolution in the project management business. At the time, however, sophisticated software solutions and high-speed internet connections were not yet accessible. Yet, project managers were able to control project scope using rudimentary computer support and simple document types such as drawings, specifications, and requirement papers. Cost control was done with spreadsheets, standard templates, and graph kinds, all of which were accessible in the early days of the digital era.

The availability of communication tools like email and the internet eventually made a project manager's life more efficient and easier. This resulted in a fast development of project management approaches across the world. With the introduction of numerous project management software and tools that offer a more complete and integrated approach to project management, the use of technology in project management continues to expand and improve.

Example - The construction of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai is an excellent example of how technology has impacted project management practices. The construction of the world's tallest building was made possible by the use of advanced technologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), which allowed the project team to create a virtual model of the building to manage the project scope, schedule, and cost. The use of BIM also helped to coordinate the work of various stakeholders, such as architects, engineers, and contractors, and facilitated communication and collaboration throughout the project.

Software Applications Usage in Modern Project Management Practices

Project management was previously done manually with paper-based papers and hand-drawn charts, but with the arrival of personal computers and software tools, project management has become more efficient and successful.

Microsoft Project (1990) and Primavera Windows Version (1994) are two of the most popular project planning and scheduling software tools. Advanced capabilities such as activity planning, cost planning, and resource planning are included in these software packages, making project management more sophisticated. These software applications can also be used for project monitoring and progress tracking.

After the launch of these software tools, there has been an increase in the topic of project scheduling, delay analysis, and baselining. The sophistication of the software programs includes activity planning, cost planning, resource planning, project monitoring, and progress tracking, making project management easier.

The use of software applications in project management is emphasized in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) reference. For project planning, scheduling, and monitoring, the PMBOK guide recommends the use of project management software. It entails using digital tools for project planning, cost estimates, risk management, and quality control. The guidance also underlines the significance of picking the appropriate software program for the project's objectives and specifications.

One of the real-life examples of software applications used in project management;

Example - The use of building information modeling (BIM) software in the construction industry. BIM software provides a 3D model of a building that includes all its physical and functional characteristics. It helps in identifying potential clashes and conflicts in the building design, reduces rework and change orders, and improves project coordination and communication.

The Evolution of Project Management into a More Analytical and Methodical Discipline

Project management has progressed tremendously over time and has become a well-developed field. Today's project managers have access to a plethora of materials and technologies, which have made project management more analytical and systematic. It is now easier to network with project management professionals and share expertise than it was previously. Moreover, new project management approaches have been established to accommodate the complexity and nature of projects. The classic Waterfall or Predictive approach is plan-based, but adaptive techniques such as Agile are frequently utilized, particularly in current software project management.

In modern project management, strict control of the whole project lifecycle, from start to finish, has become critical. This comprises project management procedures such as planning, monitoring, and control. Complex project management procedures are now organized and rationally elaborated. In modern project management, software programs, web-based communication systems, and mobile applications are commonly employed for data collecting, information processing, and reporting.

To further improve project management, new knowledge domains, methods, rules, and standards have been established. This evolution is a constant improvement process, with professional bodies introducing new professional practices and ethics to guarantee that project managers adhere to ethical norms.

One real-life example of modern project management;

Example - The construction of a skyscraper in a major city, the project manager would have access to numerous resources, such as project management software, to manage the complex processes involved in such a project. The project manager would use an adaptive methodology, such as Agile, to ensure the project meets the needs of all stakeholders. The entire lifecycle of the project, from design to construction, would be strictly managed, and the project manager would use software applications, web-based communication systems, and mobile applications to collect data, process information, and report on the project's progress. Improvement process, with new professional practices and ethics introduced by professional bodies to ensure that project managers follow ethical standards.


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